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Biden Faces Calls for Impeachment as McCarthy Backs Inquiry

  • House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is expected to endorse opening an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

  • McCarthy believes an impeachment inquiry would help obtain records and documents related to Biden and his son Hunter.

  • McCarthy has signaled support for a Biden impeachment inquiry for weeks, calling it a "natural step forward."

  • The White House has strongly criticized the push for impeachment, calling it "partisan shamelessness."

  • McCarthy's endorsement comes as he tries to avoid a government shutdown and deal with calls to oust him as Speaker.

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Main Topic: Speaker Kevin McCarthy's suggestion of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over unproven claims of corruption. Key Points: 1. McCarthy's suggestion of an impeachment inquiry is drawing strong pushback from Democrats. 2. Republicans have mixed reviews of McCarthy's suggestion, with some supporting it and others hesitant. 3. Impeachment is a political decision and carries political risks, but it is unlikely to succeed in the Democratic-controlled Senate.
Main Topic: Unease within the Republican Party about impeaching President Joe Biden Key Points: 1. Some politically vulnerable and centrist Republicans do not believe there is enough evidence to impeach Biden. 2. Right-wing hard-liners are pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to impeach Biden. 3. McCarthy is considering launching a formal investigation focused on Hunter Biden's business dealings, but he needs nearly all Republicans to back impeachment, which may be difficult.
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