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Pelosi Rebukes McCarthy's Criticism of Trump Impeachment, Calling GOP's Biden Probe 'Hogwash'

  • Pelosi pushed back on McCarthy's claim she didn't hold a House vote on Trump impeachment inquiry in 2019, calling it "hogwash."

  • Pelosi said Democrats held an impeachment vote within weeks, while GOP has investigated Biden for months with no evidence.

  • Pelosi criticized GOP for trying to impeach Biden with no vote after 8 months of investigation turned up nothing.

  • Pelosi said Democrats moved forward on Trump impeachment carefully and with evidence, unlike GOP's Biden inquiry.

  • Pelosi told McCarthy to take responsibility for GOP's actions instead of misrepresenting Democrats' handling of Trump impeachment.

Relevant topic timeline:
Main Topic: Speaker Kevin McCarthy's suggestion of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over unproven claims of corruption. Key Points: 1. McCarthy's suggestion of an impeachment inquiry is drawing strong pushback from Democrats. 2. Republicans have mixed reviews of McCarthy's suggestion, with some supporting it and others hesitant. 3. Impeachment is a political decision and carries political risks, but it is unlikely to succeed in the Democratic-controlled Senate.
Main Topic: Unease within the Republican Party about impeaching President Joe Biden Key Points: 1. Some politically vulnerable and centrist Republicans do not believe there is enough evidence to impeach Biden. 2. Right-wing hard-liners are pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to impeach Biden. 3. McCarthy is considering launching a formal investigation focused on Hunter Biden's business dealings, but he needs nearly all Republicans to back impeachment, which may be difficult.
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Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing political pressure from former President Trump and GOP voters to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, but moderate members of his conference are skeptical and there is concern that an impeachment effort could backfire politically.
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CNN reporter confronts House Speaker Kevin McCarthy after he reneges on his call for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy pushed back on a line of questioning by CNN reporter Manu Raju regarding the Republicans' impeachment inquiry of President Biden, highlighting allegations against Biden and his family's foreign business dealings.
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Former President Donald Trump's comments suggesting that the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden was in retaliation and could lead to future indictments caught some Republicans off guard and raised concerns about the party's prospects in next year's election.
Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden because they want to shut down the government, with hard-right Republicans demanding cuts to spending and increases in immigration enforcement.
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House Republican Representative Matt Gaetz criticized House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for not being serious about the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, stating that if McCarthy were serious, he would have subpoenaed Hunter Biden by now, suggesting that the investigation is a form of "failure theater."
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House Republicans are holding an impeachment inquiry hearing to examine allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption against President Joe Biden and his family's business dealings, although these claims have yet to be supported by direct evidence.
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