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Protesters Storm McCarthy's Office, Demand Renewal of Global AIDS Funding

  • Protesters stormed House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's office demanding he renew funding for global AIDS relief program PEPFAR.

  • Protesters with Housing Works refused to leave McCarthy's office until arrested by Capitol Police.

  • Congress has until September 30 to renew the 5-year funding law for PEPFAR before it's subject to annual budget battles.

  • McCarthy already faces a looming budget battle as lawmakers return Tuesday, needing to pass a funding bill by Sept 30 to avoid a shutdown.

  • Protesters stormed McCarthy's office as he weighs launching impeachment proceedings against President Biden next month.

Relevant topic timeline:
The White House is pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to approve aid for Ukraine and disaster relief funding ahead of a government funding showdown, calling on him to keep his word about government funding and address urgent bipartisan priorities.
Protesters stormed Kevin McCarthy's office on Capitol Hill demanding the reauthorization of PEPFAR, a global HIV/AIDS relief program, which faces a September 30th deadline, while McCarthy balances multiple government funding issues and conservative demands for impeachment proceedings against President Biden.
Seven demonstrators were arrested after occupying House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's office to demand the renewal of PEPFAR, a program providing government funding for HIV and AIDS treatment, prevention, and research, with concerns about abortion being a point of contention among Republicans.
Several people were arrested after entering the office of Kevin McCarthy, the speaker of the House, during a protest for HIV/AIDS funding, which is under threat amid Congress's negotiations over a government shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces an open revolt among hard-right members of his party, who are threatening to remove him from power and potentially throw the House into chaos, as he navigates negotiations to avoid a government shutdown before the end of September.
House Democrats are privately discussing the possibility of helping Speaker Kevin McCarthy avoid a right-wing uprising by demanding a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, though they are wary of coming to his rescue due to potential backlash from the left.
Scores of young activists with the Sunrise Movement protested in the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, demanding that he avert a government shutdown and provide funding to support disaster relief efforts and climate action.
The recent attacks in Israel and the need for U.S. aid have led centrist House Republicans to discuss reinstating Kevin McCarthy as House speaker in order to address the crisis more quickly.