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The A.I. revolution will also be a gender revolution as disruption revaluates women’s skills

The introduction of artificial intelligence (A.I.) is predicted to result in the loss or degradation of many jobs; however, it also presents professional opportunities that prioritize abstract thinking and interpersonal skills, attributes traditionally associated with women, potentially leading to increased gender representation in the workforce and senior leadership roles.

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Generative AI is unlikely to completely take over jobs, but rather automate certain tasks, particularly in clerical work, potentially impacting female employment; however, most other professions are only marginally exposed to automation, with the technology more likely to augment work rather than substitute it, according to a study by the International Labour Organization.
Artificial intelligence will initially impact white-collar jobs, leading to increased productivity and the need for fewer workers, according to IBM CEO Arvind Krishna. However, he also emphasized that AI will augment rather than displace human labor and that it has the potential to create more jobs and boost GDP.
Professionals are optimistic about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their productivity and view it as an augmentation to their work rather than a complete replacement, according to a report by Thomson Reuters, with concerns centered around compromised accuracy and data security.
AI tools like ChatGPT are likely to complement jobs rather than destroy them, according to a study by the International Labor Organization (ILO), which found that the technology will automate some tasks within occupations while leaving time for other duties, potentially offering benefits for developing nations, though the impact may differ significantly for men and women. The report emphasizes the importance of proactive policies, workers' opinions, skills training, and adequate social protection in managing the transition to AI.
Singapore has the highest rate of workers adopting artificial intelligence (AI) skills, followed by Finland, Ireland, India, and Canada, according to LinkedIn's Future of Work report; the report also highlights the potential for AI to augment certain skills in various occupations but emphasizes the importance of soft skills and human agency in the workplace as AI continues to automate tasks.
Artificial intelligence is gradually replacing human fund managers, but it still struggles to replicate the emotional aspect that human managers bring to the table.
Summary: Artificial intelligence (AI) may be an emerging technology, but it will not replace the importance of emotional intelligence, human relationships, and the human element in job roles, as knowing how to work with people and building genuine connections remains crucial. AI is a tool that can assist in various tasks, but it should not replace the humanity of work.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the accounting industry by automating tasks, providing insights, and freeing up professionals for more meaningful work, but there is a need to strike a balance between human and machine-driven intelligence to maximize its value and ensure the future of finance.
Artificial intelligence systems, specifically large language models like ChatGPT and Google's Bard, are changing the job landscape and now pose a threat to white-collar office jobs that require cognitive skills, creativity, and higher education, impacting highly paid workers, particularly women.
The Orange France AI ad, created using Marcel.AI, challenges biases and inequalities in sports by transforming the women's football team into men, sparking discussions about the urgent need for equal representation and recognition of women in sports and highlighting the potential of AI to address biases and promote equality in various industries and regions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the classroom, allowing for personalized tutoring, enhancing classroom activities, and changing the culture of learning, although it presents challenges such as cheating and the need for clarity about its use, according to Ethan Mollick, an associate professor at the Wharton School.
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is causing disruptions in various industries, leading to uncertainty about future career prospects; however, experts suggest that subjects like science, engineering, cybersecurity, and healthcare professions involving human interaction will continue to be in demand, and being AI literate will be beneficial for future careers. In the creative sector, roles like copywriting and graphic design could be outsourced to AI, but there are also opportunities to learn and work with AI in order to make the industry more accessible. Overall, AI is reshaping professional workspaces and creating new career paths, but individuals need to be flexible and adaptable to navigate the changing landscape.
U.S. employers are using AI to quantify and dehumanize workers in the workplace, according to author Ifeoma Ajunwa.
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers promising solutions in HR, from streamlining recruitment processes to predicting employee turnover, but challenges such as data privacy and algorithmic biases remain, emphasizing the need for a human-centric approach that complements AI technology.
Artificial intelligence is predicted to have a significant impact on the employer-employee relationship, potentially leading to the need for a universal basic income, according to former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich.
Some companies in the Phoenix area are hiring due to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), challenging the notion that AI will replace human workers and negatively impact the job market.
AI has the potential to transform numerous industries, including medicine, law, art, retail, film, tech, education, and agriculture, by automating tasks, improving productivity, and enhancing decision-making, while still relying on the unique human abilities of empathy, creativity, and intuition. The impact of AI will be felt differently in each industry and will require professionals to adapt and develop new skills to work effectively with AI systems.
Artificial intelligence will disrupt the employer-employee relationship, leading to a shift in working for tech intermediaries and platforms, according to former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who warns that this transformation will be destabilizing for the U.S. middle class and could eradicate labor protections.
As generative AI continues to gain attention and interest, business leaders must also focus on other areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation to effectively lead and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.
Assistant Professor Samantha Shorey from the University of Texas Austin has been appointed to the AI100 study panel, which aims to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on society and produce a report every five years. Shorey won an AI100 essay competition with her essay discussing the integration of AI into the workplace and its effects on essential workers.
A survey conducted by Canva found that while many professionals claim to be familiar with artificial intelligence (AI), a significant number exaggerate or even fake their knowledge of AI in order to keep up with colleagues and superiors, highlighting the need for more opportunities to learn and explore AI in the workplace.
An art collective called Theta Noir argues that artificial intelligence (AI) should align with nature rather than human values in order to avoid negative impact on society and the environment. They advocate for an emergent form of AI called Mena, which merges humans and AI to create a cosmic mind that connects with sustainable natural systems.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to evolve and become more integrated into our lives in 2024, with advancements in generative AI tools, ethical considerations, customer service, augmented working, AI-augmented apps, low-code/no-code software engineering, new AI job opportunities, quantum AI, upskilling for the AI revolution, and AI legislation.
Artificial intelligence (AI) requires leadership from business executives and a dedicated and diverse AI team to ensure effective implementation and governance, with roles focusing on ethics, legal, security, and training data quality becoming increasingly important.
The era of intelligence driven by artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of human resources, allowing employees to access and utilize information more easily and quickly through generative AI language models, but HR teams need to be ready to help employees take advantage of this new technology.
Generative AI is expected to have a significant impact on jobs, with some roles benefiting from enhanced job quality and growth, while others face disruption and a shift in required skills, according to a report from the World Economic Forum. The integration of AI into the workforce brings mixed reactions but emphasizes the need for proactive measures to maximize benefits and minimize risks. Additionally, the report highlights the importance of a balanced workforce that values both technical AI skills and people skills for future success.
White-collar workers, particularly those in software development, information technology, mathematics, information design, legal, and accounting positions, are at the highest risk of job displacement due to the rise of generative AI, with 95% of the skills required for these jobs being effectively performed by AI, according to research from Indeed. Jobs such as truck and taxi drivers, as well as cleaning and sanitation and beauty and wellness jobs, are considered least exposed to AI due to their reliance on in-person presence.