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China eases home-buying rules to prop up slumping property market, economy

China has introduced new mortgage policies to boost its property market and stimulate economic growth by allowing more people to be classified as first-time homebuyers and receive lower mortgage rates.

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China's decision not to cut its five-year loan prime rate to revive the real estate sector and boost the economy is expected to have a limited impact and further weaken confidence, according to economists.
High mortgage rates, reaching their highest level in 21 years, are driving up costs for home buyers and creating a sluggish housing market, with little relief expected in the near term.
China should continue to prioritize the principle of "houses are for living in, not for speculation" to prevent potential negative impacts on economic and social development, according to an editorial in the state-run Economic Daily, as the country faces a downturn in the property sector and potentially unwinding some curbs.
The surge in mortgage rates has caused housing affordability to reach the lowest level since 2000, leading to a slow fall in the housing market and a potential dip in home prices, although the current market differs from the conditions that preceded the 2008 crash, with low housing inventory and a lack of risky mortgage products, making mortgage rates the key lever to improve affordability.
Global investors are urging China to increase spending in order to revive its struggling economy and address the deepening property crisis, as modest interest rate cuts and vague promises of support have failed to restore confidence in the market. Investors are demanding more government stimulus before considering a return, and the lack of a policy response from Beijing has raised concerns among fund managers. The wishlist of investors includes increased government spending, particularly for local governments and banks, as well as measures to address the property sector crisis and improve communication regarding private business interests.
Mortgage rates reach their highest level since 2001 due to strong economic data, which will limit the ability of many potential home buyers to enter the market.
China is implementing measures to boost household spending, ease property policies, increase car purchases, improve conditions for private businesses, and bolster financial markets in an effort to revive the economy's recovery and improve the business environment.
The mortgage market is influenced by various factors such as interest rates, housing demands, evolving borrower preferences, technological advancements, and regulatory shifts, and it is important for potential homebuyers and those navigating the mortgage process to stay informed about these trends and challenges.
China's cabinet has approved guidelines for the planning and construction of affordable housing in an effort to support the struggling property sector and promote the healthy development of the market. Additionally, the central bank has announced measures to relax residential housing loan rules to boost loan applications and house purchases, while emphasizing that houses are for living in rather than speculation.
China's hybrid economic model, which combines state planning with market forces, is facing challenges as the country struggles with weak economic indicators, including high youth unemployment and falling prices, and the property market experiences financial distress due to government interventions and market dynamics; policymakers must implement short-term measures to boost market confidence, such as managing property-sector defaults and easing housing investment restrictions, while also undertaking long-term structural reforms to address moral hazards, promote fiscal responsibility, and protect private businesses and foreign investors.
China needs to fully utilize policy space to bolster economic growth and market expectations by making significant adjustments in fiscal and monetary policies, according to a senior economist and political adviser. The economist emphasizes the importance of sending strong signals to the market and considers options such as interest rate cuts, increased deficit-to-GDP ratio, and infrastructural improvements to address economic challenges caused by global demand stagnation and tightened US monetary measures.
Prospective home buyers can still secure a lower mortgage rate in today's market by improving their credit score, shopping around for lenders, considering an adjustable-rate mortgage, buying mortgage points, locking in a rate, and making a large down payment.
Chinese state-owned banks are expected to lower interest rates on existing mortgages, with the quantum of the cut varying for different clients and cities, in an effort to revive the property sector and boost the country's economy.
Buyers of newly built homes are enjoying lower mortgage rates, as home builders are allocating a portion of the sale proceeds to permanently buy down the rates, leading to higher new home sales.
Guangzhou, the first major Chinese city to do so, has announced an easing of mortgage curbs in an effort to revive the property sector and stimulate the economy, a move that is expected to be followed by other top-tier cities.
China's economic slowdown is being caused by a property market downturn, softening demand for exports, and low household spending, which poses risks to financial stability and could lead to deflation and deeper debt problems. Economists are uncertain if the government's current measures, like interest rate cuts, will be enough to boost consumption and meet growth targets. Structural reforms and measures to increase household consumption are needed to address the imbalance in the economy.
China has lowered requirements for homebuyers in an attempt to revive its struggling property market and address the financial crisis.
China is planning to relax home-purchase restrictions and implement new measures to address the debt crisis in its property sector, which accounts for a quarter of its economy, in an effort to boost consumer demand.
Chinese homebuyers remain skeptical about entering the property market despite the Beijing government's measures to revive the economy, including lower mortgage rates, due to concerns about the slowing economy and the deepening crisis in the debt-ridden property sector.
The authorities in Beijing and Shanghai are implementing measures to ease mortgage lending rules in an effort to stimulate a slowing housing market, including allowing first-home buyers to enjoy preferential mortgage rates regardless of their previous credit records. This move is expected to drive home sales in the short term, but the long-term impact is uncertain due to low consumer confidence in the face of economic uncertainty.
China's recent stimulus measures to boost its economy, including reducing down payments for homebuyers and lower rates on mortgages, are impressing the markets and may dictate the direction of the commodity market.
Chinese stocks surged as the government implemented additional measures to support the property sector, signaling a determination to boost the economy by addressing issues in the struggling housing market.
China's relief measures to support the property sector have spurred a home-buying spree in Beijing and Shanghai, with transaction volumes in both cities increasing significantly, indicating robust housing demand; however, concerns persist that this demand may not be sustained due to other restrictions and a faltering growth outlook.
China is considering further easing measures in the property market and increasing fiscal support for infrastructure investment to boost economic growth in the fourth quarter, as sluggish demand remains a challenge.
Five major state banks in China, including ICBC and China Construction Bank, will lower interest rates on existing mortgages for first-home loans as part of support measures to aid homebuyers and stabilize the property sector.
China's measures to support the property sector, such as lowering mortgage rates, have limited impact on consumer spending due to the dire economic outlook and lack of longer-term reforms, highlighting the need for resources to be transferred to consumers from other sectors of the economy.
China's real estate sector is facing a split market, with sales picking up in larger cities while slowing down in smaller cities, but further policy support is expected to stabilize the finances of property developers and dispel financial panic in the next two months.
Nanjing, a major Chinese city, has lifted restrictions on home buying in an effort to revive the struggling property sector and stimulate the economy, becoming the first big city to do so.
New home sales in Beijing have increased by 16.9% in the week of September 4-10, indicating that government efforts to revive the property sector are having an impact in the Chinese capital. However, the rebound in sales is not reflected across the rest of China, with sales falling 20% on average nationwide.
First-time home buyers should research different mortgage rates instead of accepting the rate suggested by their bank or broker, as variations in borrowing costs can lead to significant savings over the course of the loan.
China's recent policies to stabilize the property sector may not be enough to stimulate real economic growth, although they could generate demand, according to analysts.
China's property sector continues to struggle with deepening falls in new home prices, property investment, and sales in August, despite recent support measures, adding pressure to the country's economy.
China's economy is facing challenges due to its real estate crisis and high levels of mortgage debt, but the government is hesitant to provide fiscal stimulus or redistribute wealth, instead aiming to rely on lending to avoid a potential recession. Banks have cut interest rates and reserve requirements, but it is unlikely to stimulate borrowing. However, economists predict that policymakers will intensify efforts in the coming months, such as changing the definition of first-time home buyers and implementing property easing measures, to address the economic downturn.
Chinese commercial banks are concerned that the central bank's recent cut to mortgage rates will not be enough to prevent a surge in mortgage prepayments, which could squeeze bank margins.
The surging mortgage rates are leading to higher monthly payments for new home buyers, with many facing payments of at least $2,000 and some spending over 60% of their income on their mortgage, making affordability a significant challenge for first-time buyers.
China's credit is expanding rapidly, with total social financing increasing by over 3 trillion yuan in August, mainly driven by government financing, indicating positive signs of economic stabilization and recovery from the slump in the second quarter. Additionally, recent policy measures, particularly in fiscal and property sectors, are expected to further stimulate the economy.
The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate has increased, posing challenges for homebuyers in an already unaffordable housing market.