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Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling

Eastern European countries are concerned about Ukraine being pushed into peace talks with Russia, as they believe international partners should focus on supporting Ukraine to achieve a decisive victory.

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The conflict in Ukraine is reaching a critical point as calls for negotiations grow, but there are concerns about the effectiveness of negotiations with Russia and the lack of clear war aims from Western allies.
The European Union should send a clear message about the prospects of countries joining the EU in order to counter Russian influence campaigns and support their fight against interference, according to French Europe Minister Laurence Boone.
Ukraine's former defense minister warns that negotiations with Russia won't bring peace as Putin aims to destroy Ukraine and assimilate its citizens into the Russian Federation, emphasizing the need for international support to prevent world war III.
President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed Ukraine's path to peace in a phone call with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud, on September 8.
Officials at the G20 summit expressed a desire for "just and durable peace" in Ukraine, but Russia successfully watered down a statement on the war, avoiding any mention of its military action "against Ukraine."
Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, believes that the West must continue its support for the country in order to counter Russia's attempts to exhaust Ukraine and wear out its partners' resolve, as a long war would weaken both Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin.
The Biden administration is considering whether to send long-range missiles to Ukraine, but a final decision has not yet been made, and it is unlikely to happen before the U.N. General Assembly; if approved, the missiles would provide Ukraine with the ability to strike deep into Russian territory.
America's top military commander warns that Ukraine has limited time to pursue a stagnating military offensive, as tensions with Western allies rise, potentially putting Ukraine and the US at odds.
Russian President Vladimir Putin suggests that Ukraine is likely to initiate peace talks only when it runs out of resources and would use any ceasefire to rearm with Western assistance again.
Russian President Vladimir Putin indicated that he is preparing for a prolonged war in Ukraine, stating that Kyiv could potentially use any ceasefire to rearm and that the US will continue to view Russia as an enemy regardless of the outcome of the 2024 US election.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called for Ukraine to cancel the ban on negotiations imposed by President Zelensky, emphasizing the need for dialogue and suggesting that talks could be a way for Ukraine to replenish their reserves and reinvigorate their army.
Ukraine's military offensive against Russian forces in the south and east has made limited progress, prompting discussions about whether the US and other Western countries should provide more powerful weapons or seek a negotiated settlement.
Finland's President, Sauli Niinisto, warns Europe about the risks of complacency and escalation in Russia's war against Ukraine, emphasizing the potential for nuclear weapons to be used and calling for understanding of the hesitation of leaders in supplying Ukraine with advanced weaponry.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will address the United Nations General Assembly and meet with President Biden and members of Congress to emphasize that supporting Ukraine is supporting democracy, stability, and peace, while also addressing concerns about the length and extent of the conflict with Russia.
Biden warns against Russia brutalizing Ukraine without consequences, emphasizing US support for Ukraine and its efforts for a diplomatic resolution; he also urges the UN to uphold the UN Charter in addressing the Russian invasion.
Ukraine's special services are likely responsible for drone strikes on Wagner-backed forces in Sudan, raising concerns about the escalation of Russia-Ukraine conflict beyond the frontlines; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell defends Ukraine's request for more aid ahead of Ukrainian President Zelensky's visit to the US Capitol; President Zelensky warns the UN General Assembly that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is not only about Ukraine but also about weaponizing food and energy and turning other countries' power plants into "dirty bombs"; Zelensky calls for global unity to defeat Russia's aggression and accuses Russia of kidnapping Ukrainian children and weaponizing the food supply; Russian President Putin is seeking support from North Korea and Iran while Ukraine continues to gain support from numerous countries.
The Polish Foreign Ministry has summoned the Ukrainian ambassador over comments made by President Zelensky suggesting that some European allies were playing into Russia's hands by politicizing a dispute over the export of Ukrainian grain, further escalating the disagreement between Ukraine and Poland, which could threaten Europe's cohesion in its support for Ukraine.
Ukraine needs to shift its focus from post-war recovery to preparing for a long war, as a ceasefire or peace talks with Russia are unlikely, and instead should aim to ensure it has the staying power to thrive despite the ongoing conflict, according to The Economist.
Ukrainian President Zelensky calls for a united front against Russian aggression in his speech at the UN General Assembly and asks former President Trump to share his peace plans, claiming that Trump could get a "fair deal" with Putin to end the war in Ukraine.