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McCarthy Warns No House Support for Senate Bill to Avert Shutdown, Clash Looms Over Ukraine Aid

  • House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says he doesn't see support in the House for the Senate's bipartisan bill to fund the government and avert a shutdown.

  • Hard-line Republicans in the House Freedom Caucus oppose the Senate bill because it includes Ukraine aid and lacks border security provisions.

  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says McCarthy is letting "MAGA radicals" drive his decisions and calls the bipartisan Senate bill the only way to avoid a shutdown.

  • Minority Leader Mitch McConnell endorsed the bipartisan Senate bill and said shutting down government would force border patrol and ICE to work without pay.

  • If Congress can't pass a funding bill by Saturday night, the government will shut down, closing federal services deemed non-essential.

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Republican lawmakers, particularly conservatives, are threatening to hold up government funding unless their demands on issues such as a border wall, investigations into the Biden family, and Ukraine aid are met, raising concerns about a potential government shutdown.
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Bands of far-right Republicans in the House and the Senate have caused chaos and brought the spending debate to a halt, creating the possibility of a government shutdown, as they refuse to compromise and demand their own spending cuts.
House Republicans' approach to government funding, which includes spending cuts and conservative policy priorities, has created a stark contrast with the Senate's bipartisan strategy, potentially leading to a damaging government shutdown.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warns House Republicans that a government shutdown would be detrimental to the Republican Party both politically and in terms of policy change.
House Democrats have begun discussions with moderate Republicans on a fallback plan to avoid a government shutdown if current negotiations for a short-term funding measure fail.
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House Republicans are working to find a plan that will keep the government funded and avoid a shutdown, but face opposition from conservative lawmakers who want deeper spending cuts attached to the proposed legislation.
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Congress faces the risk of a government shutdown as Republican infighting and dysfunction threaten to derail funding, highlighting the long-running chaos and dysfunction in American politics.
Hard-right Republicans are pushing for a disruptive federal shutdown as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's latest funding plan fails, leaving no endgame in sight and resulting in the White House telling federal agencies to prepare for a shutdown.
Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has suggested that he will support a bipartisan government funding bill only if another bipartisan bill, the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, also gets a vote, which aims to prevent federal shutdowns by triggering a Continued Resolution that maintains federal spending at its current level.
A bipartisan group of Senators and House members are pushing for legislation that would automatically fund the government past spending deadlines, effectively ending shutdown threats.
The federal government is likely to face a shutdown that will affect various services, disrupt workers' pay, and create political turmoil as Republicans demand deep spending cuts.
Lawmakers are preparing for a possible government shutdown as President Joe Biden's administration advises agencies to update their shutdown plans, while congressional Republicans debate on how to proceed before the current spending plan expires.
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is attempting to advance spending cuts that are unlikely to become law, potentially leading to a partial government shutdown, as some members of the party threaten to depose House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he does not support steeper cuts.
Democrats are criticizing GOP-backed cuts in government funding, warning that a shutdown would endanger Americans and lead to disruptions in various federal services.
A potential government shutdown looms as Congress struggles to pass a funding bill by Saturday night, which could result in federal workers going without pay and essential services continuing while non-essential services halt.
Congress is facing a potential government shutdown as Speaker Kevin McCarthy grapples with hard-right Republicans opposing spending cuts necessary to fund the government.
The House and Senate are holding crucial votes to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the week, with disagreements between lawmakers over spending bills causing a divide, particularly among House Republicans.
The Senate has passed a bipartisan bill to extend funding and prevent a government shutdown, although it may not be sufficient to avoid a shutdown entirely.
House Republicans voted to open debate on a package of spending bills in an attempt to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the week, aiming to put themselves in a better negotiating position with Democrats and the White House; however, a federal shutdown is still likely given disagreements over funding levels and aid for Ukraine.
Republicans pushing for a federal government shutdown are facing criticism from party moderates and risking the loss of key services and financial impact, but are driven by hard-right Republicans who oppose any measures supported by President Biden.
House Republicans reject a bipartisan Senate plan to fund the government and a government shutdown appears increasingly likely as the two chambers work against one another to reach an agreement on a short-term spending bill.
Millions of Americans anticipate a government shutdown as Congress struggles to pass a budget, potentially causing a short-term stock market gain.
House Republicans are relying on a strategy of making the government shutdown about border security in order to rally Republicans and pressure holdouts to fall in line, while targeting a politically vulnerable issue for the White House.
House Republicans propose a short-term spending bill with across-the-board cuts and exemptions for national defense, veterans affairs, and homeland security, but it is uncertain if it will pass the House or Senate and a government shutdown is a possibility.
The U.S. government faces a partial shutdown if a bipartisan stopgap spending bill is not passed, leading to the closure of national parks, furloughs of federal workers, and suspension of regulatory activities, as a handful of hardline Republicans reject the bill.
A group of hardline Republicans in the United States is refusing to support funding legislation, risking a federal government shutdown unless massive spending cuts are made, which could have wide-reaching effects, including furloughing hundreds of thousands of federal workers and disrupting federal programs and services.
Republican infighting in the House leads to the failure of a GOP bill aimed at avoiding a government shutdown, as 21 hardliners joined Democrats in opposing the legislation.
House Republicans are frustrated and without a clear plan to avert a government shutdown as the deadline for funding runs out today, with no agreement in sight.
House Republicans are in a funding standoff that may lead to a government shutdown, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposing a stopgap funding bill and facing threats from within his own party.
President Biden criticized Republicans for bringing the nation close to a government shutdown but commended the passage of a short-term funding bill to prevent it, while urging Congress to pass a separate bill providing more aid to Ukraine.
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are discussing options to avert a partial government shutdown, including extending funding through mid-January or mid-April to allow for more time to negotiate government funding bills through the fiscal year.