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Inflation Slows but Still High Gas Prices Weigh on Consumer Spending, Raising Recession Fears

  • An inflation gauge closely tracked by the Fed rose in August, mainly due to higher gas prices, while underlying inflation slowed further. This could raise the chances of the Fed leaving interest rates unchanged at its next meeting.

  • While Americans kept spending in August, they did so at a much slower pace than in July. This points to a potential consumer spending slowdown in the months ahead.

  • Falling real disposable incomes, due to higher gas prices, could lead to weaker consumer spending. This may signal an economic slowdown in the next quarter.

  • The latest data may bolster hopes that the Fed can bring down inflation without causing a deep recession or spike in unemployment. The Fed expects only a small rise in joblessness through 2024.

  • Threats to a "soft landing" remain, including a likely government shutdown, resuming student loan payments, rising interest rates, and higher gas prices eating into paychecks.

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Main Topic: U.S. inflation and the Federal Reserve's efforts to control it. Key Points: 1. U.S. inflation has declined for 12 straight months, but consumer prices increased 3% year-on-year in June. 2. The Federal Reserve aims to reduce inflation to about 2% and plans to raise its key federal funds rate to over 5%. 3. The Fed is concerned about high inflation due to a strong labor market, rising wages, and increased consumer spending, and aims to slow the job market to control inflation.
Main Topic: The U.S. Federal Reserve's need to raise interest rates further to bring down inflation. Key Points: 1. Governor Michelle Bowman supports the Fed's quarter-point increase in interest rates last month due to high inflation, strong consumer spending, a rebound in the housing market, and a tight labor market. 2. Bowman expects additional rate increases to reach the Fed's 2 percent inflation target. 3. Monetary policy is not predetermined, and future decisions will be data-driven. Bowman will consider consistent evidence of inflation decline, signs of slowing consumer spending, and loosening labor market conditions.
Rising gasoline prices are impacting inflation-weary Americans.
The Federal Reserve's primary inflation rate showed a decrease in core price pressures in July, but Fed Chair Jerome Powell is now focusing on price changes for services excluding housing and energy, which surged last month, potentially contributing to the gains in the stock market.
The latest inflation data suggests that price increases are cooling down, increasing the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates unchanged in their upcoming meeting.
The Federal Reserve's preferred inflation gauge increased slightly in July, suggesting that the fight against inflation may be challenging, but the absence of worse news indicates that officials are likely to maintain interest rates.
The Federal Reserve may be the cause of rising housing prices and the low supply of existing homes, which could lead to increased inflation and concerns about the Fed's response to the cost of living. Lowering interest rates and unlocking the supply of homes could help alleviate the issue.
Inflation has decreased significantly in recent months, but the role of the Federal Reserve in this decline is questionable as there is little evidence to suggest that higher interest rates led to lower prices and curtailed demand or employment. Other factors such as falling energy prices and the healing of disrupted supply chains appear to have had a larger impact on slowing inflation.
Bond traders are anticipating that the Federal Reserve will continue with interest-rate hikes, and next week's consumer-price index report will provide further insight on how much more tightening may be required to control inflation.
Inflation is expected to rise in August as oil and gasoline prices increase, putting pressure on the economy and potentially leading to higher interest rates and a stronger dollar.
Rising oil prices are making it harder for the Federal Reserve to achieve its 2% inflation target, as increased energy costs could lead to higher prices for goods and services, potentially complicating the Fed's plan to hold interest rates steady and achieve a "soft landing" for the economy.
The Consumer Price Index is expected to show an increase in inflation in August, with headline inflation rising to 3.6% and core inflation easing to 4.4%, but the market is accustomed to this trend and the Federal Reserve is unlikely to change its rates at the upcoming meeting.
Inflation in the US is expected to accelerate again, with economists predicting a monthly rise of 3.6%, suggesting that price pressures within the economy remain a challenge in taming high inflation.
U.S. consumer prices are expected to have increased the most in 14 months in August due to rising gasoline costs, while underlying inflation is forecasted to remain moderate, potentially prompting the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates steady.
Gas and housing prices continue to rise, leading to a 0.6% increase in the federal consumer price index for August and a 3.7% increase for the year, causing concerns about overall inflation and its impact on household budgets.
Inflation in the US accelerated for the second consecutive month in August due to rising costs of rent and gasoline, with the consumer price index rising 0.6% from the previous month and 3.7% from the same time last year.
Stronger-than-expected U.S. economic data, including a rise in producer prices and retail sales, has sparked concerns about sticky inflation and has reinforced the belief that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates higher for longer.
US wholesale prices increased at a faster pace in August, indicating that inflation remains persistent despite interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve.
Wholesale inflation in the US exceeded expectations in August, driven by higher gasoline prices, indicating that inflationary pressures are still present in the economy.
U.S. retail sales rose more than expected in August due to higher gasoline prices, but underlying spending on goods slowed as Americans faced increased inflation and borrowing costs, while the trend in underlying spending on goods was not as robust as initially thought in July. Despite this, overall consumer spending is expected to remain strong, driven by spending on services.
Despite elevated inflation, the Federal Reserve is not expected to lower interest rates soon, causing the Consumer Price Index to rise significantly and impacting mortgage rates and home prices.
Inflation in Britain slowed for a third consecutive month in August, defying expectations of a rise due to higher fuel prices, with consumer prices rising 6.7 percent compared to the previous year, driven by slower increases in food prices and a decline in hotel room costs. Core inflation also fell more than anticipated, indicating a potential easing of inflationary pressures, though price growth remains uncomfortably high. The Bank of England is set to announce its decision on interest rates, with growing speculation that rates may be held steady due to signs of slowing inflation and a weak economy.
Gas prices in the US have reached their highest level in 11 months, posing challenges for the Federal Reserve in its campaign to control inflation. Factors contributing to the increase include rising oil prices, production cuts by Saudi Arabia and Russia, reduced refinery production due to hot weather, and low reserves in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. However, prices are expected to decrease with the switch to a cheaper gasoline blend in the fall and projected global economic slowdown in 2024.
Fed officials expect faster economic growth and lower inflation as they project an increase in gross domestic product and a decrease in the unemployment rate while forecasting a decline in core inflation for the remainder of the year.
Gas prices in the US have slightly decreased due to the switch to less expensive winter blend gasoline, but the decline is being slowed by higher oil costs, with the potential for prices to spike as oil prices surge. The Federal Reserve is pausing interest rate hikes as inflation, driven by a surge in oil prices, increases, but future rate hikes could impact consumer debt, including car insurance. Some states saw significant shifts in gas prices, with Nevada experiencing the largest increase and California having the highest gas prices in the nation. Shopping for cheaper auto insurance can help lower car ownership costs.
Policymakers in the US and Europe may find comfort in the slowdown of underlying measures of consumer-price growth, but rising crude oil prices could still fuel further inflation.
Despite predictions of higher unemployment and dire consequences, the Federal Reserve's rate hikes have succeeded in substantially slowing inflation without causing significant harm to the job market and economy.
The Federal Reserve has upgraded its economic outlook, indicating stronger growth and lower unemployment, but also plans to raise interest rates and keep borrowing costs elevated, causing disappointment in the markets and potential challenges for borrowers.
The Federal Reserve's preferred measure of inflation decreased in August, indicating that efforts to combat inflation are progressing, although there are still price growth pressures that could lead to further interest rate hikes by the central bank.
The Federal Reserve's preferred inflation indicator, the personal consumption expenditures price index excluding food and energy, rose less than expected in August, suggesting progress in the central bank's fight against higher prices.
The U.S. bond market is signaling the end of the era of low interest rates and inflation, with investors now believing that the U.S. economy is in a "high-pressure equilibrium" characterized by higher inflation, low unemployment, and positive growth. This shift has significant implications for policy, business, and individuals, as it could lead to failed business models and unaffordable housing and cars, and may require the Federal Reserve to raise rates further to control inflation.
Gasoline prices have increased over time, but when adjusted for inflation and considered in relation to fuel efficiency and real wages, they are only marginally more expensive than in previous years, highlighting the often misleading nature of political rhetoric surrounding gas prices.
Federal Reserve officials are not concerned about the recent rise in U.S. Treasury yields and believe it could actually be beneficial in combating inflation. They also stated that if the labor market cools and inflation returns to the desired target, interest rates can remain steady. Higher long-term borrowing costs can slow the economy and ease inflation pressures. However, if the rise in yields leads to a sharp economic slowdown or unemployment surge, the Fed will react accordingly.
Stock markets are wavering as investors anticipate another rate hike by the US Federal Reserve, fearing its impact on the global economy, however, recent inflation data suggests that inflation is declining and consumer spending is rising.
The U.S. government's upcoming inflation report is expected to show a cooling off of inflation, with overall prices for consumers rising by 0.2% compared to August and 3.6% compared to a year ago, and core inflation expected to be up 4.1% from September last year, indicating slower price increases in September than in August.
The upcoming monthly inflation report is expected to show that inflation in the US is cooling off, with overall prices for consumers rising by 0.2% compared to August and 3.6% compared to a year ago, indicating slower price increases in September than in August. However, if the report reveals that inflation remained higher than expected, especially in core areas, it may prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates again, further slowing the economy.
The Consumer Price Index rose 3.7% for the 12 months ended in September, with high gas prices and shelter costs contributing to inflation, although food prices matched overall inflation for the first time since early 2022, and underlying inflation trends are moving in the desired direction of the Federal Reserve.
Consumer prices in the US grew at the same pace in September as in August, indicating that progress in controlling inflation may be stalling, prompting Federal Reserve officials to remain cautious with interest rate decisions.
Despite a slight improvement in month-to-month price gains, inflation remains a challenge for the Federal Reserve as prices continue to rise, particularly in areas such as housing and gas, burdening families and straining budgets. The Fed's efforts to control rising costs for gas, groceries, and rent are limited, leaving policymakers searching for effective solutions.
The rate of U.S. inflation is slowing, but it's not slowing as quickly as earlier this year, with the Federal Reserve expecting a 0.3% increase in the core PCE price gauge in September, indicating that progress towards the Fed's 2% inflation target will likely happen at a much slower rate in the months ahead.
The Federal Reserve may need to increase interest rates further to combat persistent inflation in the US economy, despite the recent surge in Treasury yields prompting investors to question further rate hikes, according to Richard Clarida of Pimco. Clarida also highlighted the challenge of deciding when to start cutting interest rates and predicted that the US dollar will return to a more normal level once rate differentials close.