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Putin Claims He Wants to End Ukraine War 'As Soon as Possible,' Says Erdogan - But No End in Sight After 19 Months

  • Russian President Putin wants to end Ukraine war "as soon as possible," according to Turkey's President Erdogan.

  • War has lasted nearly 19 months with no signs of ending. Turkey has acted as negotiator between Russia and Ukraine.

  • Russia refused to renew Black Sea grain deal brokered by Turkey and UN. Deal allowed Ukraine to export grain.

  • Turkey has sent military aid to Ukraine but maintained economic ties with Russia, not sanctioning Kremlin as much as other NATO countries.

  • Erdogan said Putin is "on the side of ending this war as soon as possible," though analysts say Russia expected a quicker victory.

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### Summary The pace of Ukraine's counter-offensive has been disappointing, leading to frustrated expectations and increased criticism of President Zelensky. Ukraine is also facing challenges with the delayed arrival of Western equipment and lack of air cover. ### Facts - The pace of Ukraine's counter-offensive has been slower than expected, leading to frustrated expectations and criticism of President Zelensky. - Western equipment promised to Ukraine has not arrived in the expected numbers, causing frustration and demotivation. - Allies' equivocation about the supply of newer weapons and the prospect of Donald Trump's re-election adds to Ukrainian anxieties. - Ukraine's army lacks resources for frontal attacks and is focusing on degrading the enemy through artillery, drones, and electronic warfare. - Recent advances have been made in the southern theatre, but Ukraine is still far from its strategic goal of nearing the Azov Sea before late October. - Rumors of early parliamentary and presidential elections have circulated, with the logic that it would be better for Zelensky to seek re-election while still a national hero. - Conducting elections during a war would be complex, and the idea of early elections currently lacks popular demand. - Peace negotiations with Russia are unlikely without a military breakthrough, as there is still a strong desire to regain lost territory. - The burden of the war falls heavily on Ukraine's young generation, who face conscription and the constant threat of being sent to the front. ### Emoji šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦
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The Chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine believes that if the war of aggression against Ukraine continues, the Russian economy will only hold out until 2025 and their arms supply will dry up in 2026 or earlier.
Ukraine needs to shift its focus from post-war recovery to preparing for a long war, as a ceasefire or peace talks with Russia are unlikely, and instead should aim to ensure it has the staying power to thrive despite the ongoing conflict, according to The Economist.
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