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McCarthy Slams GOP After Shutdown Defeat, Accuses Some of Wanting to Burn Down Congress

  • McCarthy slams Republicans after embarrassing floor defeat
  • House Speaker suffered defeat trying to avoid government shutdown
  • McCarthy criticized members of his party, said they wanted to "burn the place down"
  • Video shows McCarthy reacting to Zelenskyy's visit in 2022 vs now
  • Source is CNN Politics reporting on reactions to the defeat
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House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces a challenging political standoff as he returns to the House with the looming threats of a government shutdown, support for Ukraine in the war, and launching an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden amid pressure from far-right Republicans.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing a significant threat to his position as factions within the Republican Party feud and consider turning on him during the battle to fund the government, with some ultra-conservatives and centrist Republicans expressing dissatisfaction with his leadership.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vented his frustration about hard-line conservatives holding up appropriations, daring his critics to attempt a vote to oust him.
Facing threats to his speakership, Kevin McCarthy is confident that his critics won't have enough votes to oust him, and he is ready to fight it out on the floor if necessary; however, his critics are determined to proceed with a motion to vacate the chair, putting the House GOP in a state of turmoil.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is taking a more aggressive stance against conservatives in his party, challenging them to vote against a proposed GOP stopgap in order to isolate themselves from the rest of the party and potentially end his speakership.
House Republican speaker Kevin McCarthy faced his second defeat of the week as his conference failed to approve a procedural motion, further jeopardizing government spending levels and increasing the likelihood of a federal shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy concedes that far-right saboteurs in his party are determined to "burn the place down," as a vote to bring a defense spending bill to the floor fails, leaving him with no viable strategy to avert a government shutdown.
Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Jaime Harrison criticizes House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, calling him "the most inept Speaker of the House" and accusing House Republicans of lacking a policy agenda.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for being "too weak" to stand up to far-right Republicans using impeachment as a political weapon against President Joe Biden, stating that they have no interest in solving problems but rather want to create political turmoil for their own benefit.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticizes House Speaker Kevin McCarthy as a weak leader amid the looming government shutdown, suggesting that there are grounds to remove him from his role, although she also acknowledges the chaotic state of Republicans as a whole.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's anxiety over a potential government shutdown is criticized by MSNBC's Jen Psaki, who points out past Republican responsibility for shutdowns and accuses McCarthy of not doing enough to address the chaos within the party.
House Freedom Caucus members and other hardline Republican conservatives are furious with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for relying on Democratic votes to pass a short-term funding extension, but it remains uncertain whether they will take action to oust him as speaker.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faced a critical challenge as he pushed through a 45-day stopgap spending measure to keep the government funded through November and avert a shutdown, highlighting the precarious position of the GOP with their razor-thin majority.
In an unprecedented move, the House voted to remove Kevin McCarthy from the speakership, leaving the chamber without a leader and plunging it into chaos; it is unclear who will succeed McCarthy as speaker.
The ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker may result in a dysfunctional legislature and a potential downgrade of the U.S. federal debt rating, driving up borrowing costs for the average American.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy denies reports of his resignation and plans to run for re-election, following his removal from the speaker's chair by hardline Republicans and Democrats.
A group of GOP representatives wrote a letter expressing their disapproval of the ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker, stating that it goes against the will of the majority of Republicans and calling for a review of the rules changes made earlier this year; meanwhile, House Republicans are scrambling to elect a new speaker and pass spending bills before government funding runs out.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied promising to support Rep. Kevin McCarthy as he was ousted as speaker by a group of hardline Republicans, stating that the decision was made by Democratic members and citing reasons such as the impeachment inquiry into President Biden and McCarthy's support for former President Trump.
The fall of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is a reflection of the declining status and vulnerability of the speakership, as he becomes the fifth speaker since 2010 and the latest in a series of speakers who have faced unhappy endings.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing criticism for denouncing Democratic Congressman Jamaal Bowman for misconduct while failing to denounce GOP members who have also engaged in misconduct.
House Republicans express anger over the removal of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy amidst concerns over the security implications of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, emphasizing the need to elect a new Speaker.
A majority of Americans support the House's decision to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker, with 60% backing his ouster due to perceived ineffectiveness and anger over a deal to avert a government shutdown, according to a CBS News poll.
The ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House speaker is being blown out of proportion by the Washington establishment, which tends to ignore the chaos inflicted upon Americans by various other factors such as violent crime, open borders, rising prices, and government overreach.
Summary: Rep. Kevin McCarthy blames Democrats for 'disrupting the country' after being ousted as the GOP's Speaker of the House.
California Rep. Kevin McCarthy criticizes the eight House Republicans who joined Democrats in his ouster as speaker, vowing to support Rep. Jim Jordan as his replacement and calling their actions a disruptive mistake.
House Republicans' decision to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy with a small number of votes will be seen as a bipartisan failure, according to Rep. Larry Bucshon, causing concern about America's ability to function and appear strong on the global stage.
California Rep. Kevin McCarthy criticized the eight House Republicans who voted against him, accusing them of working with Democrats and disrupting government, while endorsing Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan as his replacement.
Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy acknowledges that the Republican conference is in a dire situation following his removal and the ongoing chaos over who should be the next Speaker.