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Google search change favors AI content over human writers, lowering site rankings

  • Google recently removed "written by people" from its search guidelines, allowing AI-generated content to rank higher.

  • Many website owners say this change has caused their sites to drop dramatically in search rankings.

  • Sites with AI-generated content are now outranking human-written pages, owners report.

  • Google claims its goal is to promote "helpful" content, not target human vs AI authorship.

  • But some say Google itself is conflicted, as it develops AI models that generate similar content.

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Main topic: Google is adding contextual images and videos to its AI-powered Search Generative Experiment (SGE) and showing the date of publishing for suggested links. Key points: 1. Google is enhancing its AI-powered Search Generative Experiment (SGE) by adding contextual images and videos related to search queries. 2. The company is also displaying the date of publishing for suggested links to provide users with information about the recency of the content. 3. Google has made performance improvements to ensure quick access to AI-powered search results. 4. Users can sign up for testing these new features through Search Labs and access them through the Google app or Chrome. 5. Google is exploring generative AI in various products, including its chatbot Bard, Workspace tools, and enterprise solutions. 6. Google Assistant is also expected to incorporate generative AI, according to recent reports.
Main topic: Google's new Search updates for personal information, privacy, and online safety. Key points: 1. Google is introducing a new dashboard to help users find and remove search results containing their contact information. 2. Explicit imagery in search results will now be blurred by default with the new SafeSearch blurring setting. 3. Parental controls can now be easily found in Search by typing relevant queries. 4. Users can now remove their own personal, explicit images from Search. 5. Removing content from Google Search does not remove it from the web or other search engines.
The main topic is the decline in interest and usage of generative AI chatbots. Key points: 1. Consumers are losing interest in chatbots, as shown by the decline in usage of AI-powered Bing search and ChatGPT. 2. ChatGPT's website traffic and iPhone app downloads have fallen. 3. Concerns about the accuracy, safety, and biases of chatbots are growing, with examples of inaccuracies and errors being reported.
### Summary A debate has arisen about whether AI-generated content should be labeled as such, but Google does not require AI labeling as it values quality content regardless of its origin. Human editors and a human touch are still necessary to ensure high-quality and trustworthy content. ### Facts - Over 85% of marketers use AI in their content production workflow. - AI labeling involves indicating that a piece of content was generated using artificial intelligence. - Google places a higher emphasis on content quality rather than its origin. - The authority of the website and author is important to Google. - Google can detect AI-generated content but focuses on content quality and user intent. - Human editors are needed to verify facts and ensure high-quality content. - Google prioritizes natural language, which requires a human touch. - As AI becomes more prevalent, policies and frameworks may evolve.
### Summary Google's AI-generated search results have produced troubling answers, including justifications for slavery and genocide, and inaccurate information on various topics. ### Facts - A search for "benefits of slavery" resulted in Google's AI providing advantages of slavery, including fueling the plantation economy and funding colleges and markets. - Search terms like "benefits of genocide" prompted Google's AI to confuse arguments in favor of acknowledging genocide with arguments in favor of genocide itself. - Google's AI responded to queries about the benefits of guns with questionable statistics and dubious reasoning. - When a user searched for "how to cook Amanita ocreata," a highly poisonous mushroom, Google provided step-by-step instructions that would lead to harm instead of warning about its toxicity. - Google appears to censor certain search terms from generating AI responses while others slip through the filters. - The issue was discovered by Lily Ray, who tested search terms likely to produce problematic results. - Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE), an AI-powered search tool, is being tested in the US with limited availability. - Bing, Google's main competitor, provided more accurate and detailed responses to similar search queries related to controversial topics. - Google's SGE also displayed inaccuracies in responses related to other topics such as rock stars, CEOs, chefs, and child-rearing practices. - Large language models like Google's SGE may have inherent limitations that make it difficult to filter out problematic responses. Note: Bullets were chosen without emojis as there was no specific request for emojis in the text.
AI labeling, or disclosing that content was generated using artificial intelligence, is not deemed necessary by Google for ranking purposes; the search engine values quality content, user experience, and authority of the website and author more than the origin of the content. However, human editors are still crucial for verifying facts and adding a human touch to AI-generated content to ensure its quality, and as AI becomes more widespread, policies and frameworks around its use may evolve.
Google's recently released guidelines for creating helpful content outline the vital criteria marketers need to be aware of in a search world that’s constantly evolving and driven by AI.
Google's AI-driven Search Generative Experience (SGE) has been generating false information and even defending human slavery, raising concerns about the potential harm it could cause if rolled out to the public.
SEO professionals in 2023 and 2024 are most focused on content creation and strategy, with generative AI being a disruptive tool that can automate content development and production processes, although it has its limitations and standing out from competitors will be a challenge. AI can be leveraged effectively for repurposing existing content, automated keyword research, content analysis, optimizing content, and personalization and segmentation, but marketers should lead with authenticity, highlight their expertise, and keep experimenting to stay ahead of the competition.
Google's Martin Splitt explained that Googlebot's crawling and rendering process is not significantly affected by the increase in AI-generated content, as Google already applies quality detection at multiple stages to determine if a webpage is low quality before rendering it.
Google is enhancing its artificial intelligence tools for business, solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.
Google's AI-generated search result summaries, which use key points from news articles, are facing criticism for potentially incentivizing media organizations to put their work behind paywalls and leading to accusations of theft. Media companies are concerned about the impact on their credibility and revenue, prompting some to seek payment from AI companies to train language models on their content. However, these generative AI models are not perfect and require user feedback to improve accuracy and avoid errors.
Google is expanding the availability of its generative AI-powered search engine, Search Generative Experience (SGE), to India and Japan, allowing the company to test its functionality at scale in different languages and gather user feedback. Google is also improving the appearance of web page links in generative AI responses and seeing high user satisfaction, particularly among younger users who appreciate the ability to ask follow-up questions. This move comes as Microsoft has been offering its own generative AI-powered search engine, Bing, for months, aiming to compete with Google in the AI space.
Google is optimizing its AI-powered overviews in Search results to present links for related information better, making them easier for users to access, and is expanding testing for Search Labs and the Search Generative Experience to India and Japan.
Google is updating its AI-powered search summaries to include sources and links to associated websites, addressing criticism that it doesn't give proper credit or access to third-party sites.
Google celebrates its 25th birthday as the dominant search engine, but the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI tools like Google's Bard and Gemini may reshape the future of search by providing quick information summaries at the top of the results page while raising concerns about misinformation and access to content.
Perplexity.ai is building an alternative to traditional search engines by creating an "answer engine" that provides concise, accurate answers to user questions backed by curated sources, aiming to transform how we access knowledge online and challenge the dominance of search giants like Google and Bing.
Google revolutionized web searching with its innovative search engine, PageRank algorithm, and consistently accurate and relevant search results, making it the dominant search engine of its time and still retaining its market leadership position today.
Google will require political advertisements that use artificial intelligence to disclose the use of AI-generated content, in order to prevent misleading and predatory campaign ads.
Google's search engines are failing to block fake, AI-generated imagery from its top search results, raising concerns about misinformation and the search giant's ability to handle phony AI material.
This article discusses updates to Google's algorithm and highlights five AI changes that agencies and brands should be aware of, emphasizing the strategic advantages of AI and the importance of supporting multi-location customers.
The success of generative AI, search, and content marketing relies on the quality and connectivity of data, which plays a crucial role in decision-making and business performance, as poor data quality can lead to operational disruptions and costly mistakes while quality data enhances accuracy, reliability, completeness, and conformity.
Google is expanding its generative AI search experience to teenagers, allowing them to ask questions in a conversational manner and introducing safeguards to protect them from inappropriate content, as well as adding more context to search results and improving the model's ability to detect false or offensive queries.
Google has released a new core search algorithm update, expected to roll out over the next few weeks, which may cause fluctuations in search rankings and emphasizes the importance of high-quality content and user experience.
Google is aggressively positioning itself as a leader in AI but risks focusing too much on AI technology at the expense of useful features that customers actually want.
AI search results are becoming more prevalent, and marketers need to be prepared for the changes they bring, such as descriptive titles and the importance of website favicons for attracting clicks. The top three search results continue to dominate, and Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) still prioritizes them. SEO strategies may need to consider selecting featured images that stand out and communicate the topic effectively. It is crucial to stay updated on how SGE lists websites and to understand the evolving landscape of AI search.
The addition of generative AI to Google Search could increase its energy consumption by more than tenfold, potentially resulting in a significant carbon footprint and environmental impact.
Google is introducing updates to its search results and expanding its AI tools to assist individuals and policymakers in reducing emissions, predicting natural disasters, and living more sustainable lives, as part of its renewed effort to address climate change and its impacts.
Google is introducing an AI-powered search experience called Google SGE, which aims to provide quick and concise responses to user queries, but it often generates answers from unreliable sources and other machine-generated responses, leading to errors and a degraded user experience.
Google is experimenting with a new feature within its AI-powered Search Generative Experience that allows users to generate AI images directly from within Google Search by typing a text description.
Google has announced new AI features for Google Search, allowing users to generate images and get writing inspiration using generative AI capabilities.
AI search, which involves understanding user queries and providing relevant answers, is becoming increasingly important in the field of SEO, as it leads to more valuable and qualified clicks for websites. This article highlights insights from an interview with Bing's Fabrice Canel, emphasizing the benefits of AI search clicks over normal search clicks, the role of verbs and keywords in ranking, and the importance of making content easily accessible for search engines.
AI search engines deliver highly relevant and qualified links, leading to better user experiences and more targeted clicks, challenging the notion that AI will negatively impact SEO and web traffic.
Google has introduced a new search tool called Search Generative Experience (SGE) that uses generative AI to create summaries in response to search queries, raising concerns among publishers about web traffic, attribution, and compensation.