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US economist warns Americans to ‘hunker down’ and ‘save your pennies’ as economy overheats

The US economy is in an overheated state, with declining manufacturing activity, high everyday prices, and a tight labor market, causing Americans to feel a significant cost of living crunch and prompting a warning that they should "hunker down" and be cautious with their finances, according to global economist Nancy Lazar. Excessive government spending is blamed for the high prices, and an impending recession is expected to add further pressure on all wealth groups. To achieve economic recovery, Lazar emphasizes the importance of private sector-driven growth and the need for reduced government spending and entitlement reform.

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The U.S. economy and markets seem to be in good shape for now, but there are concerns about the potential for problems in the future due to factors such as rising interest rates, supply and labor shocks, and political uncertainties.
Despite initial predictions of a recession, the U.S. economy has experienced unexpected growth, with high consumer spending and continued borrowing and investment by businesses being key factors.
The U.S. economy continues to grow above-trend, consumer spending remains strong, and the labor market is tight; however, there are concerns about inflation and rising interest rates which could impact the economy and consumer balance sheets, leading to a gradual softening of the labor market.
Inflation is causing a decline in affordability for average working individuals, with prices on everyday necessities such as groceries, gasoline, and housing rising significantly in the past two years due to government spending and the Fed's money-printing.
Latest results and forecasts from retailers indicate that U.S. consumer spending is under stress due to middle-income Americans spending less and struggling with debt, posing challenges for the retail sector during the back-to-school and holiday seasons.
Despite predictions of a slowdown, the American economy continues to show strong growth, with recent data suggesting annualized growth of nearly 6% in the third quarter; however, concerns about overheating and potential inflation, as well as increasing bond yields, raise doubts about the sustainability of this growth.
The UK and eurozone economies are at risk of recession due to a significant slowdown in private sector activity, with the UK experiencing its poorest performance since the Covid lockdown and Germany being hit particularly hard; the US is also showing signs of strain, with activity slowing to near-stagnation levels.
The US economy is growing rapidly with favorable conditions for workers, but despite this, many Americans feel pessimistic about the economy due to inflation and high prices, which are driven by complex global forces and not solely under the control of President Biden or Trump. Housing affordability is also a major concern. However, the Biden administration can still tout the economic recovery, with low unemployment and strong economic growth forecasts.
China's unexpected economic slowdown, driven by excessive investment in the property sector and local government spending, is leading experts to question whether a collapse is imminent, although they believe a sudden collapse is unlikely due to China's controlled financial system; however, the slowdown will have implications for global growth and emerging markets, particularly if the U.S. enters a recession next year.
China's economy is facing a series of crises, including a real estate and debt crisis, record joblessness, and a growing lack of confidence, leading to decreased spending and investment.
US consumer spending is showing resilience and robust growth, although signs of a slowdown are emerging, potentially related to the public's perception of a deteriorating financial situation due to high inflation and rising interest rates, despite the fact that households still have higher deposits compared to pre-pandemic levels.
The US economy is expected to slow in the coming months due to the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation, which may lead to softer consumer spending and sideways movement in the stock market for the rest of the year, according to experts. Additionally, the resumption of student loan payments in October and the American consumer's credit card debt could further dampen consumer spending. Meanwhile, Germany's economy is facing a recession, with falling output and sticky inflation contributing to its contraction this year, making it the only advanced economy to shrink.
The U.S. economy expanded at a 2.1% annual pace in the second quarter, downgraded from the initial estimate of 2.4%, but still demonstrating resilience in the face of higher borrowing costs and inflation concerns.
China's economic slowdown is being caused by a property market downturn, softening demand for exports, and low household spending, which poses risks to financial stability and could lead to deflation and deeper debt problems. Economists are uncertain if the government's current measures, like interest rate cuts, will be enough to boost consumption and meet growth targets. Structural reforms and measures to increase household consumption are needed to address the imbalance in the economy.
The U.S. economy may achieve a soft landing, as strong labor market, cooling inflation, and consumer savings support economic health and mitigate the risk of a recession, despite the rise in interest rates.
The U.S. economy is defying expectations with continued growth, falling inflation, and a strong stock market; however, there is uncertainty about the near-term outlook and it depends on the economy's future course and the actions of the Federal Reserve.
The US job market is cooling down, with signs of weakening and a slowdown in momentum, which may allow the Federal Reserve to ease inflation pressure through weaker job creation and reduced demand.
Americans are resorting to various strategies, such as joining deals groups and cutting back on expenses, to cope with the high inflation and rising costs of everyday life.
The US economy grew modestly in July and August, with signs of consumers relying more on borrowing to support spending after depleting their savings, while inflation slowed due to decreasing price pressures in the goods sector, according to the Federal Reserve's Beige Book report.
Despite the cooling inflation rate, the cost of goods and services in the United States has significantly increased, making it more expensive for the majority of workers to live, which contributes to their unhappiness about the economy.
The US economy is predicted to enter a recession by spring, leading to a 25% or more crash in the S&P 500, according to economist David Rosenberg, who warns that American consumers are nearing their spending limits and rising home prices reflect a weak housing market.
The odds of a recession in the US have collapsed, making markets vulnerable to any signs of the economy overheating and contributing to inflationary pressures.
Consumer spending has remained resilient, preventing the US economy from entering a recession, and this trend will likely continue due to low household debt-to-income levels.
Despite increased household wealth in the US, millions of households are struggling financially due to inflation, high interest rates, and rising living costs, which have led to record levels of debt and limited access to credit.
The personal lens of individuals' financial well-being is a significant factor in how they rate the national economy, with inflation and high prices being major concerns, leading to a lagging personal recovery for many Americans since the pandemic, which impacts their assessment of the economy; furthermore, individuals who are struggling financially today tend to give worse ratings of the U.S. economy compared to those in similar positions in 2019, which contributes to President Biden's low economy and inflation ratings.
The US is facing a potential financial crisis as the national debt reaches $33 trillion and the federal deficit is expected to double, posing a threat to President Biden's government and potential consequences for American citizens.
The US economy shows signs of weakness despite pockets of strength, with inflation still above the Fed's 2% target and consumer spending facing challenges ahead, such as the restart of student loan payments and the drain on savings from the pandemic.
Despite rising gas prices, Americans remain optimistic about inflation easing, as expectations for inflation rates in the year ahead have fallen to the lowest level since March 2021, according to a consumer sentiment survey from the University of Michigan. However, concerns are surfacing about a potential government shutdown, which could dampen consumer views on the economy.
American workers are facing a decline in median annual household income due to high inflation, with 17 states experiencing a decrease while only five saw an increase, according to data from the Census Bureau. The labor market remains challenging, with wages rising but not enough to keep up with inflation.
Entrepreneur Jaspreet Singh warns that signs of a potential recession in America include labor shortages, inflation-driven spending, and high interest rates, with economists predicting that the country may start feeling the effects of a recession by the second quarter of 2024. Singh advises Americans to educate themselves about saving money and investing to prepare for the possible downturn.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen believes that the U.S. economy is on a path of a "soft-landing" and can withstand near-term risks, including a United Auto Workers strike, a government shutdown threat, a resumption of student loan payments, and spillovers from China's economic issues.
The Federal Reserve's top policymakers face the challenge of finding a message that effectively communicates their efforts to stabilize prices without a sharp crash, while acknowledging that many Americans still feel economic insecurity and haven't experienced a noticeable improvement.
Americans are facing persistent inflation and a high cost of living, but elite economists and academics are disconnected from the reality and dismissive of the struggles of everyday Americans.