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Leading Economic Indicator Declines for 17th Month, Signaling Potential Recession Risk Despite Ongoing Growth

  • Leading economic index fell 0.4% in August, declining for 17th month in a row
  • Index is designed to signal if economy is getting better or worse
  • Has been signaling potential recession for over a year
  • But U.S. economy is still growing despite index decline
  • Economists had forecast a 0.5% drop in the index for August
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Over half of U.S. small business owners believe the economy is already in a recession, though their own financial conditions remain strong and they have less concerns about the health of their banks, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business.
The US banking industry could face a significant drop in stock prices within the next 16 months if the economy enters a recession, according to macro guru Hugh Hendry.
The US economy shows signs of slowing towards the end of summer, with the services-sector index falling to a six-month low and the manufacturing-sector index remaining in negative territory, suggesting a near-stall in business activity and raising doubts about the strength of economic growth in Q3.
The number of job openings in the US fell to 8.8 million at the end of July, indicating a slowing economy, with declines seen in professional and business services, healthcare, and state and local government sectors, while the information industry and transportation saw increases in job openings. Additionally, consumer confidence dipped in August as Americans grew more concerned about rising prices of gas and groceries, and home prices continued to increase in June.
U.S. job growth likely slowed in August due to factors such as striking actors and a major trucking company bankruptcy, but the unemployment rate is expected to remain low; economists caution against overreacting and advise focusing on long-term trends.
Goldman Sachs has lowered its probability of a U.S recession in the next 12 months to 15% due to positive inflation and labor market data, while also predicting a reacceleration in real disposable income and expecting the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates unchanged.
Business activity in Britain's services sector declined in August, the first drop since January, due to higher interest rates dampening consumer and corporate demand, although the decrease was less severe than initially estimated.
U.S. manufacturers reported a decline in business activity for the 10th consecutive month in August, but the declines are becoming less widespread, suggesting that the trough in the cycle may be approaching.
The U.S. economy experienced modest growth in July and August, driven by pent-up demand for leisure activities, while nonessential retail sales slowed, according to the Federal Reserve's "Beige Book" survey.
The US economy is predicted to enter a recession by spring, leading to a 25% or more crash in the S&P 500, according to economist David Rosenberg, who warns that American consumers are nearing their spending limits and rising home prices reflect a weak housing market.
The possibility of a recession should not be dismissed by equity investors despite recent stock market rallies, warns economist Michael Darda, who notes that historical data shows that recession typically follows an inversion in the yield curve within an average of 14 months.
The US economy is facing a looming recession, with weakness in certain sectors, but investors should not expect a significant number of interest-rate cuts next year, according to Liz Ann Sonders, the chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. She points out that leading indicators have severely deteriorated, indicating trouble ahead, and predicts a full-blown recession as the most likely outcome. Despite this, the stock market has been defying rate increases and performing well.
There are indications that a severe economic contraction may be approaching in the US, with a significant decline in home sales and rising interest rates, similar to the 2008 financial crisis, according to Bloomberg analyst Mike McGlone.
UK gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.5% in July, below expectations, with services output being the main drag on the economy, indicating a potential mild recession, and causing investment banks to revise down their growth forecasts; however, some experts still believe that the economy is growing, albeit at a slower pace.
If the unemployment rate rises to 4.0% or higher in September, there is a 73% probability of a recession occurring in October, according to a mathematical model that accurately predicted the 2020 recession.
Entrepreneur Jaspreet Singh warns that signs of a potential recession in America include labor shortages, inflation-driven spending, and high interest rates, with economists predicting that the country may start feeling the effects of a recession by the second quarter of 2024. Singh advises Americans to educate themselves about saving money and investing to prepare for the possible downturn.
U.S. existing home sales fell 0.7% in August due to high mortgage rates and a worsening supply shortage, with prices reaching a record high.
The forecasted U.S. recession in 2024 is expected to be shorter and less severe than previous recessions, with the economy's interest-rate sensitivity much lower due to reduced leverage and elevated savings from the postpandemic environment, leading investors to consider positioning for investment opportunities that will drive markets into 2024.
A drop in savings among Americans and record credit-card debt could have disastrous consequences for the economy if a recession occurs, as data shows personal savings rates remain historically low and many Americans have less than $5,000 in savings.
US small-cap and industrial stocks are dropping, typically signaling a recession, but some investors are dismissing the moves as noise for now, with hope for stocks coming in the form of anticipated earnings season and the Federal Reserve's forecast of stronger economic growth.
The US economy experienced a slowdown in August due to a decrease in industrial activity, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
The price of copper has dropped significantly, which may indicate a potential global recession.
Consumer spending in the US increased by 0.4% in August, while core inflation fell below 4.0% for the first time in over two years, potentially reducing the likelihood of an interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve.
The summer's positive economic indicators, such as lower inflation and strong job numbers, have led to optimism that the US will avoid a recession, but factors such as a potential auto strike, the resumption of student-loan repayments, and a government shutdown could contribute to a downturn. The combined impact of these factors, along with others like higher interest rates and oil prices, suggests that a recession may be looming.
Falling bond prices in the US, resulting in higher Treasury yields, suggest that a recession might be approaching, according to investor Jeff Gundlach, who is closely watching the upcoming jobs report for further signs.
The likelihood of the US avoiding a recession has decreased, as two factors, including a surge in interest rates and the potential for resurgent inflation, could push the economy into a downturn, says economist Mohamed El-Erian.
The U.S. economy is showing mixed indicators, with rising interest rates, high inflation, and increased consumer spending, leading economists to question whether a recession is on the horizon.
Bitcoin could potentially drop by more than 46% if there is a recession caused by the Federal Reserve's actions, according to crypto analyst Nicholas Merten.
The chances of the U.S. economy avoiding a recession are improving, with recession odds dropping to 46 percent, the lowest since the first quarter of 2022, according to economists surveyed by Bankrate. However, risks of a recession remain, with more than 2 in 5 economists suggesting that the chances are still greater than 50 percent.
Despite warnings from reliable leading indicators, the dominant view is that there will be a "soft landing" with a slowdown in the US economy but no recession, however, indicators such as the ISM Manufacturing New Orders Index suggest that a recession will begin within the next few months.
Economists are predicting that the U.S. economy is less likely to experience a recession in the next year, with the likelihood dropping below 50% for the first time since last year, thanks to factors such as falling inflation, the Federal Reserve halting interest rate hikes, and a strong labor market.
The US economy is expected to experience significant growth in the third quarter, despite a 0.7% decline in the leading economic index in September, with forecasts suggesting a GDP expansion of over 4%; however, analysts warn that the late stages of a business cycle may not provide clear indications of an imminent downturn.